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Biodigester Installation Project for a New House in Machakos

We recently had the opportunity to install a biodigester in a client's new house in Machakos. This project was special to us, and we took great care to ensure everything was perfect.

  • First, we visited the site to understand the client's needs and assess the location. We discussed the benefits of a biodigester, explaining how it converts waste into biogas and fertilizer, offering a sustainable solution for their new home.
  • Next, we carefully planned the installation. We chose the best spot for the biodigester, considering factors like accessibility and integration with the house's plumbing system. Our team then prepared the site, making sure it was ready for the installation process.
  • The actual installation involved assembling the biodigester and connecting it to the home's waste system. We worked meticulously to ensure everything was fitted securely and operated efficiently. After installation, we tested the system thoroughly, making sure it worked perfectly and met all safety standards.
  • Finally, we provided the client with a detailed guide on how to use and maintain the biodigester. We also offered ongoing support, ensuring they felt confident with their new sustainable waste management solution.

This project in Machakos was a rewarding experience, and we are proud to have helped our client embrace green technology in their new home.

Biodigester Installation Project for a New House in Machakos
Done By: Patrick Wetu

Reviews (1)

5/5 (average rating)

I really liked professionalism in your work, the way you were attentive to details. Very affordable too.