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Borehole Drilling Project in Meru – Top Rated Drilling Companies

At the forefront of borehole drilling services in Kenya, we stand among the top-rated companies renowned for our comprehensive solutions spanning the entire nation. Our recent project in Meru showcases our expertise and commitment to delivering unparalleled results for our clients. Let us take you through each set we took for this project from start to finish. 

  • Hydrogeological Survey: Embarking on this project, our journey began with a meticulous hydrogeological survey conducted at the client's residence. In just a day, we delved into the geological nuances, analyzing data that would shape our approach. Within two days, a comprehensive report emerged, detailing drilling depth estimates and intricate rock and soil formations crucial for the task ahead.
  • Permits Acquisition: Navigating regulatory waters seamlessly, we assisted the client in obtaining essential licenses and permits. Working closely with authorities such as the Water Resource Authority and the National Environment Management Authority, we meticulously compiled documents for county government approval, a process that spanned approximately one month to ensure compliance and legality.
  • Drilling Operations: With permits secured and approvals in place, our team mobilized swiftly for the drilling phase. Armed with state-of-the-art equipment, we commenced borehole drilling, ensuring structural integrity with steel casing to avert collapses and safeguard water purity from contaminants.
  • Test Pumping: Following drilling, rigorous test pumping protocols were executed to ascertain the borehole's capacity, a critical step in assessing its viability and functionality.
  • Water Chemical Analysis: Prioritizing water quality, we conducted thorough chemical analyses to validate its suitability for domestic use, ensuring peace of mind for the client regarding water safety and purity.
  • Borehole Equipping: Transitioning seamlessly into equipping the borehole, we installed a robust pumping system, empowering the client with efficient water extraction capabilities tailored to their needs.


Beyond drilling and equipping, we extended our services to aid the client in setting up a water tank complete with a steel stand, optimizing water storage and accessibility for daily use. The culmination of this project was met with utmost satisfaction from the client, attesting to our meticulousness and dedication in orchestrating a seamless journey from inception to completion. At Maji Africa, we redefine standards in borehole drilling, offering not just services but enduring solutions that make a tangible difference in people's lives.

Borehole Drilling Project in Meru – Top Rated Drilling Companies
Done By: Maji Africa Ltd