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Expert Portfolio
Anthony  Mburu
Name: Anthony Mburu
Assigned Jobs: (1)
About The Expert:

Anthony mburu is certified both in Masonry and building construction, has his whole heart in construction and has been inthe field for over a decade. In my journey of construction i have met diverse technology and collectively has made  me a better person, added on my skills, knowledge and have upgraded my proffesionalism.

  1. I believe in Quality, Professionalism and Diligence.
  2. I take any given task seriously.
  3. I am very keen to details both in actualizing and translating structural/architectural plans.

We can overcome disasters and loses that come along in construction. With right people as myself, diligent and passionate about construction, yes its possible. Your project is onthe right hands,your trust is and your future is. 

You dream it,i actualize it to reality.

 Juja, Kenya

Building & Construction
Account Status: Active