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Expert Portfolio
Alivan Mkilo
Name: Alivan Mkilo
About The Expert:

SIGI PLUMBERS LTD Is a complete all round plumbing company with completed experienced plumbers. we deal with the following:

Plumbimbing work installation for home stead, commercial institutions, Hospitals and Learning Institutions.

We also do cabro installation. road earth works, curlverts and stone peaching works. Drainage system including gutter fitting and storm water collection.

We do solar water heating installation both pressurised and non pressurised. direct and indirect split systems. Our solar team can handle all solar product including solar PV

We also do fire suppression and fire fighting systems including installation of both underground water storage Tanks and Tower tanks. 

We have done big projects as follows:

  1. Raf international University at kisaju kajiado county.
  2. Imtiaz mosque Nairobi Town
  3. Two Rivers sub contracr fire suppression and many other residential homesteads.


 Makadara, Nairobi, Kenya

Building & ConstructionDrainage Experts
Account Status: Active