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Expert Portfolio
Kamau Robert
Name: Kamau Robert
About The Expert:

Am in Electrical engineering my speciality is electrical installation here we study the electrical drawing actualise  it from pipe work, we draw the cables and we do the fittings to standard.

solar system both off grind and grind tier here we get to the client home or the office where he or she needs our service we calculate the load that's is required of and we come up with the load capacity and materials needed for the same.

electrical fence here we have the top wall mount that omes with razor wire and one without the razor we also do free standing  electri fencing mostly for big chank of land or for the forest to tame the wil animals.

generator installation service and maintenance, this includes generators sourcing both new and second hand we install the unit and all the necessary accessories we follow up on services and maintenance of the unit



 PV7Q+RQ2, Moi Drive, Nairobi, Kenya

Account Status: Active