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kandaria Moulders
Name: kandaria Moulders
About The Expert:

I am a moulder based in Nairobi, but I relocate depending on where the job is located. we do window, doors and walls concrete moulding. we also do gate moulding spiral columns. we also do plastering keys plus moulding decorations on your exterior side of houses. Our plastering services are professional and affordable. We do it over a short period as our team is dedicated and offer the best.   

 Nairobi, Kenya

Wall-Windows-Pillar Moulding-Molds
Account Status: Active
Three-bedroom moulding services project in Juja.

Three-bedroom moulding services project in Juja.

Moulding was done by my tea ...

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Did a four-bedroom house mo ...

Five-bedroom moulding services in Ruaka.

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Engage with Affordable Concrete House Moulding Designers in Machakos

Exterior Concrete Window and Pillar Moulding Professionals in Eldoret

Exterior Concrete Window and Pillar Moulding Professionals in Eldoret