Why do we have to Work or Toil?

Work serves various purposes in our lives. At a fundamental level, it allows us to meet our basic needs like food, shelter, and clothing. But it's more than that! Work also provides a sense of purpose fulfillment and allows us to contribute to society. It helps us grow, learn new skills, and build connections with others. Plus, it often plays a significant role in defining our identities and shaping our lives. While the necessity of work for survival is one aspect, the personal and societal value it brings is equally important. Moreover, work is a perpetual classroom, offering continuous opportunities for growth and learning. It propels us to acquire new skills, refine existing ones, and embrace challenges that stimulate personal and professional development. The dynamism inherent in work cultivates adaptability and resilience, equipping us with the tools to navigate an ever-evolving landscape. Simultaneously, work serves as a nexus for connections and relationships. Collaborating with colleagues, engaging with mentors, and networking within professional spheres fosters a sense of community and camaraderie. These interactions not only facilitate knowledge exchange but also nurture a support system that transcends the confines of the workplace. Crucially, work intertwines with our identities, shaping how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us. The roles we assume, the contributions we make, and the impact we have on the world around us all form integral parts of our self-concept. Our careers often serve as a canvas upon which we paint the story of our lives, influencing our aspirations, values, and life trajectories. While the necessity of work for survival is undeniable, its broader significance lies in the intricate tapestry of personal growth, societal contribution, and identity formation it weaves into the fabric of our existence. It stands as a testament to human ingenuity, resilience, and the continual pursuit of progress and fulfillment.

Reasons Why Working is Important

Working holds multifaceted importance in our lives, extending far beyond the mere means of earning a livelihood. Here are several reasons why it's crucial:

  1. Financial Stability: Work provides the means to support oneself and dependents. It ensures access to basic necessities and a comfortable standard of living.
  2. Personal Growth: Through work, individuals can learn new skills, gain experience, and grow both personally and professionally. It encourages continuous learning and development.
  3. Sense of Purpose: Working provides a sense of direction and purpose, contributing to a person's self-worth and fulfillment. It gives life structure and meaning beyond the routine.
  4. Contribution to Society: Work often involves contributing to society's needs, whether through providing essential services, creating innovative products, or advancing knowledge.
  5. Social Interaction: The workplace fosters social connections, allowing individuals to build relationships, collaborate, and develop networks that can be invaluable personally and professionally.
  6. Identity and Self-Expression: Careers and jobs often become integral parts of one's identity, shaping how they perceive themselves and how they are perceived by others.
  7. Innovation and Progress: Work drives innovation and progress in various fields, leading to advancements in technology, medicine, science, and more, benefiting society at large.
  8. Mental and Emotional Well-being: Meaningful work can contribute to a sense of accomplishment, boosting mental and emotional well-being. It provides a sense of structure and accomplishment.
  9. Independence and Empowerment: Work can empower individuals, providing them with a sense of independence, autonomy, and control over their lives.
  10. Building a Legacy: Through their work, individuals often leave a lasting impact, contributing to a legacy that extends beyond their immediate lifetime.

These reasons collectively highlight the significance of work in fostering personal development, societal progress, and the overall well-being of individuals and communities.

Why It is Good to be Busy Working

Being occupied with work isn't merely about being inundated with tasks; it encompasses a myriad of benefits that contribute to personal and professional growth. The busyness of work-life brings about a sense of purpose, enhances productivity, fosters creativity, and promotes continual learning. This structured chaos often leads to a more balanced lifestyle and facilitates skill development. Here's a closer look at why staying busy with work can be remarkably advantageous.

  • Purpose and Achievement: Work provides a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Busy schedules lead to improved time management and productivity.
  • Stimulated Creativity: Juggling tasks encourages innovative thinking and problem-solving.
  • Continuous Learning: Engaging in diverse tasks facilitates personal and professional growth.
  • Improved Work-Life Balance: Appreciation for leisure time and a more balanced lifestyle.
  • Fulfillment: Finding meaning and purpose in contributing to tasks and projects.
  • Skill Development: Handling various tasks fosters the development of diverse skills.
  • Professional Growth: Opportunities for advancement and career development arise from busyness.
  • Efficient Time Utilization: Being busy encourages effective utilization of time and resources.
  • Increased Focus and Prioritization: Busy schedules prompt better decision-making and goal-setting.

The merits of being occupied with work go beyond the mere act of being busy. It encompasses a holistic spectrum of benefits that nurture personal and professional development. From fostering creativity to enhancing productivity and skill development, a busy work life offers a multifaceted platform for growth. Embracing this busyness can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding journey both in our careers and personal lives.

The Inception of Work: Man's First Assignment from God 

When we look at the story of creation, which in itself was work, you will observe that after man was created, he was placed in the Garden of Eden, where he was to take of it and work on it. Somehow, this is a very key point to note that one of the primary reasons for existence is to be busy taking care of things and, in other words, to be busy working. At the dawn of humanity, work emerged as mankind's initial task, bestowed by a divine decree. Embedded within the fabric of existence is the profound significance of this directive, marking the inception of human purpose and productivity. As ancient scriptures and beliefs proclaim, it was the divine mandate that set the wheels of human endeavor into motion. The assignment of work from the divine realm carries a symbolic weight, representing not just a task but a sacred duty entrusted to humanity. This foundational commandment laid the groundwork for the essence of labor, emphasizing its integral role in shaping civilizations and individual destinies. From the biblical narratives to cultural and spiritual teachings worldwide, the concept of work as the primary directive echoes across ages and beliefs. It signifies not only a responsibility but also a privilege, encapsulating the essence of human existence and the pursuit of fulfillment through industriousness. To object to work, therefore, is to undermine the very reason for existence, to say the least. At eWak, we champion people to not only find their capabilities and skills but to nurture their skills and talents as they take care of the spaces and places they find themselves.  It is the duty of all to encourage people to work, be examples, and equally offer solutions in areas of unique abilities & skills. The problem with some people is that they even do not know what they are capable of doing, and even worse, some do not even want to try on what they think is their expertise. You must find your unique assignment and better call it to purpose in life and be busy at it without losing time.

Work Came & Normally Comes Before Family & Relationships and Inheritance

Well, again, looking at the way it all started, the man was busy working before God saw the need for him to get a helper, who later turned to be the partner and a mother, and so a family, the very first family that consisted of Adam, Eve, Abel & Cain. The woman came as a helper to the man on his God-given assignment. It is important to note that, especially for young men, you should not consider courting a young lady before finding some purpose in life on which you would need help to accomplish or work. It is also important for young women to understand the need to have complementary potential so that they become a part of the solution. When people are busy working towards a goal or a common goal, then things indeed are beautiful, let alone being the way they ought to be.  Before starting a relationship, you need to achieve goals, work on objectives, and then maybe seek or stand in need of help so that whoever joins hands becomes a team member for the purposeful course at hand.

Contributing Through Work: A Path Towards Self-Sufficiency

work to be an independent woman or man
Feeling overwhelmed…

Work offers independence and purpose, avoiding dependency on others. Contributing through work not only sustains oneself but also fosters a sense of self-reliance and accomplishment, paving the way toward personal fulfillment and autonomy. Ideally, when one is considered underage and so dependent on their guardians or parents, it is understandable, and the people taking care of the dependents bear the burden willingly. They toil and work hard to provide at least the basic needs of all who depend on them. This is the time when the underage are still being prepared, learning, and finding their potential in terms of skills, talents, and abilities. It is indeed true that when one has gone through this phase, it becomes the time for them to stop being dependent and actually start giving back to society. It is an assumption that by the time one is aware of the things they can do best and work on, they will start giving back to the very society they have been a burden to during their upbringing. It is very crucial, therefore, to be able at a certain age and phase in life to know that if you do not work and bring something on board, you will appear an unwarranted burden and bother even to others.  Accept to learn and at least accommodate a transition from, say, being a recent scholar who is looking for a job or something to do. Even if there isn’t any ready job, find people that do what you have realized as your area and work even if without pay or little remuneration and skill up if you can; so that you stand the readiest, you could be. Opportunities lately must be reached out for; it’s no longer the days they would find people standing by.

Without Work, You are Most Likely Idle & the Devil’s Workshop

There are some old sayings that every young pupil in schools is or at least used to being told that an idle mind is the devil's workshop. This could mean that everyone is full of energy, and if one is not conscious and willing to utilize the same by themselves, meaning they stand idle, then there is an intruder who comes in and maximizes the same. Absence of work often leads to idleness, providing fertile ground for negative thoughts and actions. Without occupation, one might succumb to unproductive habits or detrimental behaviors. Engaging in meaningful work not only fills time but also nurtures positivity, personal growth, and a sense of purpose, steering clear of the potential pitfalls of idle minds. This means being idle is risky and unhealthy on all counts. Everyone, if not most people, has unique abilities that mostly call for one to identify and nurture so as to apply them in a meaningful way. This is all that work is about being busy not just with activities that do not serve but indeed with activities that solve problems and help situations and/or other people. 

Is it Healthy to Work and Contribute?

There is the need to understand that we all need each other, and in fact, that is the best part of it. You cannot be good at everything; you will be best in one area, which in another is your worst. That way, you will realize that you need support in the area of your weakness, and in exchange for that, you offer something in return. Things like money only serve a standard medium of exchange, but the real fact is that you offer a solution using your abilities to someone to get paid so that you, too can pay another person who will offer you a solution you need yourself too. Busy people are peaceful and not part of the many problems that are already there. It would be unfair, therefore, to not contribute yet you want something back. It is actually unhealthy to be idle and dependent in a situation where you are able but not willing. Most people who work manually actually have excellent physical health from their bodies to their minds. Those that do not work face a lot of strains, from feeling irrelevant to even being in lack, and it's very tough on their minds. Many people get depressed or anxious, among many other mental strains, when they lose their jobs or work profiles. Those who choose to refuse to work also end up in idleness and find themselves on drugs, misconduct, and on the wrong side of the law, and this, too, is really unhealthy by all standards.

Besides, working and contributing can be highly beneficial for one's overall health and well-being. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Sense of Purpose: Contributing through work gives a sense of purpose, which is essential for mental and emotional well-being. It provides goals to strive for and a reason to get out of bed every day.
  2. Mental Stimulation: Engaging in work activities keeps the mind active, preventing cognitive decline and keeping mental faculties sharp.
  3. Social Interaction: Work often involves interacting with colleagues, clients, or customers, fostering social connections that are crucial for mental health.
  4. Physical Health Benefits: Depending on the nature of work, it can involve physical activity, promoting better physical health and fitness.
  5. Financial Stability: Work usually provides financial stability, reducing stress related to financial concerns and improving overall quality of life.
  6. Personal Growth: Working and contributing allows for skill development, learning, and personal growth, which are fulfilling and enriching.

However, it's crucial to maintain a balance. Overworking or being excessively stressed due to work can have adverse effects on health. It's important to find a healthy equilibrium between work and personal life to ensure overall well-being.

Creation Date: 2021/01/19
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